10 Reasons Future Movie Fans Will Definitely Ridicule 2013

1. Movie 43

movie 43 You can see the pitch now - a Hollywood producer loses the plot and pitches a series of ridiculous ideas Hey, it'll show that Hollywood and all of these megastar actors can poke fun at themselves, and it'll be extra funny because none of them would usually be seen dead in a bad movie. Especially not Halle Berry,or Dennis Quaid or Uma Thurman. Oh, how the audiences will laugh. Because, obviously, Hollywood is so self-aware and is always really good at laughing at itself... Why So Ridiculous? Come on, does this really need to be answered? Movie 43 is how not to do comedy. It is ridiculous, badly written and poorly acted, and yet it is so self-important and self-indulgent that it actually attempts to mythologise itself as some sort of break-out comedy genius. And the most distressing thing is, it seems like the actors involved have all been indoctrinated into believing the cult of the movie as well. Let's hope that everyone involved was paid handsomely, because they did very little for their careers by appearing in it. Well, either that, or it was all one elaborate hoax pulled over everyone who went and saw it. And if that's the case, maybe we are the ones who deserve the ridicule. Did we miss any movies that gave 2013 an irredeemably bad name? Share your own picks below.

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