10 Reasons You Should Give The Hobbit A Second Chance

3. Expanded Material

One of the most over-looked benefits of the Star Wars prequels is that they made the space franchise relevant again; so much of the expanded material wouldn't have existed without a mainstream endorsement. The same goes for Middle Earth. Although people would have always adored The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy, it would have become a fixed point in pop culture, rather than an ever-expanding piece. On top of bringing Middle Earth to the big screen and helping boost sales of Tolkien's books, The Hobbit has led to a plethora of related material. There's the usual merchandising, including some very intricate replicas of swords, rings and the rest, but one of the most enticing entries in the Middle Earth canon to be brought about by The Hobbit is upcoming video game, Middle Earth: Shadow Of Mordor. Set between the two trilogies, the Assassin's Creed-style game follows a magically-inflected ranger and his quest in the titular country. The release date is still a few weeks away, but the pre-release material looks good; it could even lead to a new arm of the Middle Earth franchise.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.