10 Reasons Guardians Of The Galaxy Might Fail

9. James Gunn Is A Wild Card Director

James Gunn I was surprised to hear Marvel appoint such an important part of their MCU to a director as untested as James Gunn. Though his debut, comedy horror Slither, was a critical hit, his subsequent film, low-fi superhero spoof Super, was a mixed bag, and his third outing was directing a short in the terrible Movie 43 (even if it was probably one of the better shorts). Even more importantly, Super cost a mere $2.5 million to make, and Slither $15 million, and neither made its budget back at the box office. This should start alarm bells ringing, given that making a $15 million film is very different from something close to 10-times that budget. The only logical reasoning is that Gunn wowed Marvel executives with an incredible pitch, and though it seems as though Gunn has done an admirable job with the look and feel of the film, it's pretty daring to appoint such an uneasy choice to such a big movie. I'll be crossing my fingers for him.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.