10 Reasons Movies Are Way Better Than Real Life

5. Everything Is More Vivid

Thanks to the magic of cinematography, everything in movies is more intense, more vibrant, more€ real than reality itself. This is where the notorious Avatar effect comes in, when fans of Pandora€™s lustrous jungles became depressed and disillusioned when forced to leave the theatre and return to the more muted colours of their daily lives. Why would you want to stare at the dull walls of the same office building every day (or more accurately, go through the hard work of breaking free of the daily grind and building the life you€™ve always dreamed of) when you can spend your days immersed in exquisite vistas of Pandora or Middle Earth?

6. Enemies Are Within Splatting Distance

In reality, not only do the Bad Guys win with embarrassing frequency, but the average chump doesn€™t even get a chance to lash out at his or her tormentors. Lives can be disrupted and destroyed by powerful figures most people never get the chance to see; dictators and corrupt CEOS are more likely to die in comfy beds than on the receiving end of a hail of bullets from Arnie or Stallone. School bullies are more likely to get away with it than there are to go down after one punch and become tame eunuchs swabbing the Mcfly family automobile. The visceral satisfaction of seeing fictional analogues of the countless horrible bastards of the world crushed, vanquished and humiliated is well worth the price of admission.
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