10 Reasons Prometheus Will Be The Best Film of 2012

Reason 9: Damon Lindelof

The Lost co-creator, scribe and general writing genius is hot Hollywood property at the moment. Producing Sci-Fi€™s like 2009's "Star Trek", co-writing scripts for more Sci-Fi€™s like "Cowboys and Aliens" and apparently scoring a massive movie deal with Disney he is the man everyone wants, why? He seems to be ran by pure imagination and his ability to tell expansive stories that made me cry more times than I would like to admit (Hell, I cried 10 times during the final episode of Lost, I said it). Lucky for us, he€™s here to scribe "Prometheus" and with the mythologies he€™s created with stuff like Lost you can only be excited to see where he€™s going to take a franchise that many could say was dead a few years back. He€™s my favourite writer at the moment and one we can only be happy about being involved with this project.

One time I met John Stamos on a plane - and he told me I was pretty.