10 Reasons Spider-Man: Far From Home Is The Perfect Follow-Up To Avengers: Endgame

9. We’ll Be Able To Grieve For Tony Stark With Peter

Far From Home
Marvel Studios

If the trailer is anything to go by, the death of Iron Man is making waves around the world, with vigils and billboards following Peter Parker everywhere he goes. Having an Avenger so close to the pivotal character arc that closed in Endgame will allow the audience to mourn the absence of Tony with the central character, which is vital to the emotional crux of the film.

The fact that Tony was such an enormous part of the first Spider-Man instalment makes its sequel the perfect choice to explore the repercussions of his death through.

Homecoming is largely about the messes Peter makes as he explores his new powers and Tony having to clean them up. Without his beloved mentor, we as the audience can take a more active role in cheering on his successes as he attempts to navigate the superhero space without the character we miss just as much as he does.


Chances are I’m watching a movie or replaying Mass Effect rather than doing anything productive.