10 Reasons The Cinema Is Now The Worst Place To Watch Movies

2. The Cost


OK, it's the most common complaint about cinemas and has been done to death, but it's still a potent issue that remains relevant as ticket prices increase ever faster. Movies cost a lot to put on. Even after the huge amounts needed up front to just get a projector installed and a cinema running, the cost of renting films on opening weekend is extortionate, with the majority of money made on tickets going straight to the distributor. That's why we're happy to sit through an obnoxious amount of adverts before each film; the money the cinema gets from showing them helps make some cash back.

But no matter the reason for high prices, it doesn't mean audiences should be happy to fork over a small fortune for a couple of tickets and a popcorn to share. Stay at home and you can get a six-month old film for the cost of one ticket with no transport cost. You may get lucky and find somewhere that does a cheaper deal at certain times, but those tend to be on days where it's a slog to get to the cinema so any advantage is lost.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.