10 Reasons The Martian Is Ridley Scott's Comeback

8. The Visuals Are Incredible

As narratively flawed as Prometheus was, it at least got one thing right: the feeling of spectacle, by way of Dariusz Wolski's incredible cinematography, and thankfully, he's re-teamed with Scott once again for The Martian. Pretty much every frame of this movie is a painting: from those establishing shots of Mars to even the talkier scenes back on Earth and the space-set rescue mission, it all looks impeccable, not only thanks to Wolski but some exemplary visual effects work throughout. Aesthetically, this movie is the total package, and unexpectedly, even the 3D is actually pretty great, demonstrating the depths of space during shots such as the above, and piling on the tension during the initial stranding sequence by hurling dirt in the viewer's face. Far from the absurd uses of 3D some directors get caught up in, this is a rare time where it's worth shelling out a few extra bucks to see a movie in a third dimension: along other sci-fi triumphs such as Avatar and Gravity, it makes terrific use of the technology.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.