10 Reasons The Marvel Cinematic Universe Is Doomed To Fail

1. If It Resets, Who Can Be Bothered To Start Again?

All said and done, if everything gets too big, too confusing, too convoluted, and too annoying, Marvel always have the option to wipe the slate clean. That's right: should everything get to the point where it feels exhausted, and all the characters have been explored to the point where there's nowhere else to take them, a reboot of the entire MCU might end up feeling like the best option. Of course, aside from "dooming" the current MCU, this would set in motion a series of events that would eventually lead to - in, say, another 20 years - another reboot. But given all the work that fans have put into the MCU - not just by watching the films themselves, but in the constant discussions that have taken place around them, the long waits between installments - could anybody really be bothered with starting the whole thing all over again? Granted, people would probably flock to cinemas to see a rebooted Iron Man or the next incarnation of the Hulk in the initial stages, but wouldn't any sort of reshuffling - be it just an actor recast or the whole franchise - be enough to prompt responses of: "I really can't be bothered"? What do you think? Is the MCU doomed to fail or are there ways to remedy the situation before it gets out of hand? Let us know in the comments section below.

Adrian Smith was born in Singapore City and moved to London when he was five. He writes for the internet full-time, and occasionally makes travel documentaries (the last one was about Moscow). He has a cat called Louis.