10 Reasons To Subscribe To Disney+ In The UK

5. Not Just Disney

The Mandalorian Poster

Although Disney is a family friendly company there is a surprisingly wide variety on offer.

We have seen an emergence of a darker Disney, a less family friendly Disney. That is not to say that their streaming service is not family friendly. In fact, that is another selling point. As the majority of their content is tailored to, or targeted towards children it means that you can rest assured that your kids will not be watching anything inappropriate if you leave them alone. Unlike Netflix which requires a specific children's account in order to steer them away from the more... ahem... content.

However the acquirement of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and Star Wars has resulted in a more adult side of Disney - filled with action, adventure, and just a few drops of blood. Not to mention Disney's reputation for slipping in the odd innuendo or adult joke.

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A Disney obsessive with a love of literature, gaming, and Adam Sandler.