10 Reasons Toy Story 4 Is A Terrible Idea

3. A Love Story

There's naturally very little information about what the events of Toy Story 4 will entail (it is three years away after all), but the announcement did bring with it one tiny hint; director John Lasseter revealed it's going to be a love story. Wait, what?! Pixar, you've decided to undo what many people have called a perfect ending just so you can do a love story? That just strikes as poor justification. Toy Story at its core looks at friendship, with a divergence into love not fitting at all, particularly given that Pixar have already explored conventional love expertly in the likes of Wall-E and Up. Who's this love story going to involve? Woody and Bo Peep meeting up again, or that painfully shoe-horned relationship between Jessie and Buzz? Neither seems like a film-worthy idea and pull away from the fact these are films about toys - falling in love has nothing to do with playthings in reality, turning the characters into just another anthropomorphised animated group. There's potential to have Bonnie be the one fall in love, prematurely losing interest in her toys, but to do that would ignore that WE'VE SEEN THE OWNER GIVING UP ON THE TOYS THING TWICE BEFORE.
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Toy Story 4
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.