10 Reasons Why The Hyenas Are The True Heroes Of The Lion King

5. ...And Yet, The Hyenas Endure Under Unyielding Oppression


Many critics have noted the racial and class implications in The Lion King, and deride the hyenas as negative racial stereotypes. But to the contrary, Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed are progressive and evolved, in ways that the other, non-hyena characters are not. Despite the lions’ oppression, the hyenas are friends with Scar - they appear willing to judge others on an individual basis, and concede that “lions aren’t all that bad.” 

Shenzi: "You know, if it weren't for those lions, we'd be runnin' the joint."

Banzai: "Yeah. Man, I hate lions."

Shenzi: "So pushy."

Banzai: "And hairy."

Shenzi: "And stinky."

Banzai: "And man, are they...."

Shenzi and Banzai: "U-u-u-gly!"

Compare this to “nothing but slobbering mangy stupid poachers.” Even when they state their dislike for lions, it’s done in a way that is humorous, and less vitriolic than Zazu’s previous assertions.


Kevin is an AP English Language teacher and freelance writer from Queens, NY. His focus is on American pop culture and American issues. He wrote a weekly column for Complex called "Throwback Thursdays," which spotlighted video games and trends from previous console generations. Kevin has also been published in VIBE, Salon, PopMatters, Joystiq, and Racialicious. Follow him on Twitter to learn more.