10 Reasons X-Men Film Franchise Is Better Than The MCU

2. The Action Is Generally Better

While the action has never been particularly bad in the MCU, standout moments are few and far between. Certain fan-pleasing set-pieces, like Iron Man taking on the Hulk in Age Of Ultron, are overlong, overly-reliant on the CGI and not all that essential to the plot, while virtually every Marvel film's third act is a blur of computer-generated imagery and relentless, unsubtle action (more on that to come). It's a symptom of Marvel Studios' televisual approach to filmmaking - the action is rarely dynamic, but more often generic (Captain America: The Winter Soldier being one particular exception). The X-Men movies, on the other hand, have memorable set-pieces in spades. Think the manor attack or Nightcrawler's assault on the White House in X2, Quicksilver breaking out Magneto in Days Of Future Past, the flying Golden Gate Bridge in The Last Stand, or Magneto's personal acts of revenge in First Class. These are instances where the action is not just filmed as is often the case in the MCU, but manipulated by camera movement, further evidence why the more cinematically-minded X-Men filmmakers have so far been a cut above the typically more anonymous Marvel helmers.

Lover of film, writer of words, pretentious beyond belief. Thinks Scorsese and Kubrick are the kings of cinema, but PT Anderson and David Fincher are the dashing young princes. Follow Brogan on twitter if you can take shameless self-promotion: @BroganMorris1