10 Reasons You’re Wrong About Terminator Salvation

2. It Has The Best Cast Since The Original

The first Terminator movie headlined by an Oscar winner, Salvation also features an impressive supporting cast that includes Michael Ironside and Helena Bonham Carter, but best of all is Sam Worthington, seen here five months before Avatar (which, somewhat confusingly, was filmed first) propelled him to the big time.

The best addition to the franchise since Robert Patrick€™s thousand yard stare, Worthington has €˜star in the making€™ stamped all over him, and like fellow Australian Hugh Jackman, he€™s got the Mysterious Stranger routine down cold. Even the detractors who considered his part to be one of too many unnecessary additions conceded that he acquits himself well in the role, going from unrepentant Death Row inmate (who steals a kiss from Helena Bonham Carter€™s cancer patient and says, €œSo that€™s what death tastes like€) to action hero without overplaying.

Also in the cast is Moon Bloodgood, who€™s similarly good in a token Action Babe role and, portraying the young Kyle Reese, Anton Yelchin. A month before Salvation€™s release, Yelchin channelled Walter Koenig as the young Chekov in Star Trek, and he does the same thing with Michael Biehn€™s character here. In the stand out Harvester sequence, he even loads his shotgun in the same way Biehn did, so whether or not you want to hear him say, €œCome with me if you want to live€, you know he€™s going to.


Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'