10 Reasons You’re Wrong About The Star Wars Prequels

5. Strong Design Links To The Originals

Star Wars Design

One of the aspects that really grabbed audiences attention with the Original Trilogy was the designs. The concept of a used-future, with the sci-fi world actually feeling lived in, would prove very influential to the genre, but on a more basic level the cool spaceships and exotic worlds really catch the eye; the X-Wing and Millennium Falcon were instantly iconic and helped define the Star Wars aesthetic.

Although in the sixteen year gap between trilogies computers had allowed much more creative ideas to be realised, an effort was put in to make things feel part of the same world, albeit a few decades earlier. Sure there's more holograms and high tech stuff to keep it feeling futuristic for general audiences, but the feel of Tatooine or a space fighter cockpit is the same.

The coolest design choice has to be the backwards development of the original ships, giving us Republic Star Destroyers, Jedi Fighters with TIE cockpits and clone ARC-170s that lock their S-foils in attack position. And conversely the Confederacy droid armies were gifted designs unseen in the first trilogy to herald their destruction. It's smart visual cues that give an added sheen of Star Wars to the films.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.