10 Reasons You’re Wrong About The Star Wars Prequels

3. The Lightsaber Fights Are Flat-Out Awesome

Star Wars Duel Of The Fates

The lightsaber battles in the originals have their place and are far from the yawn fest younger fans would suggest; be it a final confrontation between aging foes or a showdown with a trainee Jedi totally outmatched by a Sith Lord, they felt tense and ever relevant to the story. But let's not kid ourselves; the fights in the prequels are just more awesome.

Maybe a little too prominent come Revenge Of The Sith, there's no denying the basic exhilaration of two or more combatants squaring off in an intensely choreographed light show. Nick Gillard, a long standing stuntman who's worked on everything from Indiana Jones to Shaft, planned out all the sword fighting across the three films. Dubbed the title Swordmaster, Gillard created unique fighting styles for each combatant to give each showdown a different feel.

The highlight has to be Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon versus Darth Maul at the climax of The Phantom Menace. The first properly acrobatic fight in the series, everything about it was spot on; the location was visually arresting and allowed for some cool moves, the music is at its absolute best and Ray Park really could handle that double-bladed weapon. Best of all, being intercut with the wider Battle for Naboo served to make it even more intense; when everything's starting to go well for our heroes elsewhere, this fight only getting worse.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.