10 Recent Box Office Duds Destined To Become Cult Classics

7. The Kid Who Would Be King

Mother Jennifer Lawrence
20th Century Fox

Eight years after his breakthrough debut Attack the Block, Joe Cornish finally returned to directing with The Kid Who Would Be King, an Amblin-inspired retelling of the King Arthur legend that will soon find itself becoming a staple of Sunday afternoon TV schedules. Which is just as well, because hardly anyone seemed to bother catching it in cinemas.

A defiantly fun and charming old-school family-friendly adventure aimed at younger audiences with a simple message of believing in yourself, people just don't seem to make movies like this anymore. And given the fact that The Kid Who Would Be King only made $31.1m at the box office against a $60m budget, the studios will be unlikely to give anyone else a chance to in the near future.

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