10 Recent Horror Movie Scenes Too Disturbing To Watch

1. Splitting Up - Bone Tomahawk

Spiral From The Book of Saw
Caliber Media Company

A Western horror from 2015 starring Kurt Russell? Sounds amazing! Inbred, flesh-eating cannibals? Interesting.

‘Interesting’ is not the word most people would use when describing how they felt after seeing this movie. ‘Nauseous’ is perhaps more accurate.

When Russell’s character and his gang of heroes are captured by the tribe of cave-dwellers, they are placed in cages within the dingy den.

One of the men, Nick, is dragged from his makeshift cell and his friends can only watch helplessly as he is stripped naked and scalped. That’s pretty bad, but it only gets worse. Nick, still alive, is lifted and held upside down. One of the Troglodytes produces a sharp weapon and, there’s no nice way to say this, swings it down between Nick’s legs.

Nick is bisected and ripped in half whilst his companions, and the audience, can only watch in utter horror. The lack of music and low lighting make the event feel far more real, and the cave creates a sense of claustrophobia that means you cannot look away.

It’s gory, disturbing and cements the film as a modern horror classic, for better or worse.

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