10 Recent Horror Movies You Should Watch Knowing NOTHING

7. In A Violent Nature

The Substance Demi Moore
IFC Films

The genius of the marketing for In A Violent Nature is that, at first glance, it resembles a garden variety slasher flick, especially if you've only glimpsed the poster or a few publicity stills.

But Chris Nash's expectation-defying slasher is so much more than that, and without giving anything away, finds a unique throughline with which to reinvent the subgenre as we know it.

Though it certainly won't hit for everyone and requires a sure familiarity with slasher tropes to fully appreciate what Nash is going for here, it does nevertheless offer up outstanding visuals, crunchy sound design, and a few of the most shocking kills from any recent horror film.

It is, one way or another, one of the most original and surprising slashers ever made, and one that's done well enough that, as is tradition, a sequel is already in development.

Whether you unapologetically love the most base and trashy of slashers imaginable or find the whole subgenre totally tired, In A Violent Nature has some fascinating sights to show you.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.