10 Recent Movie Cameos NOBODY Saw Coming
8. Matthew Goode - Abigail
Abigail revolves around the titular vampiric ballerina (Alisha Weir) who spends the movie picking off the various deplorables who've kidnapped her.
She was initially kidnapped and held to ransom because she's the daughter of Kristof Lazaar, a powerful crime lord, and Lazaar himself only shows up in the very final scene of the film.
Here Lazaar is revealed to be played by Matthew Goode, and considering we see him sporting fangs and mentioning that he's "gone by countless names over the many years," it's obvious he's really playing Dracula, even if the name is never spoken aloud.
After all, this is a loose remake of the 1936 film Dracula's Daughter - a fact Universal and the filmmakers opted to distance themselves from during production - so who else could Goode really be playing?
Goode's role lasts for all of about two minutes, and while it ultimately feels a bit tacked on to the rest of the movie, it's still fun to see him hamming it up in a part he was perfectly cast for.