10 Recent Movie Characters Who Totally Deserved Better

7. Scott Ward - Army Of The Dead

Anna De Armas No Time To DIe

As sad as we all were that Army of the Dead's wise-cracking safe-cracker Ludwig Dieter (Matthias Schweighöfer) was seemingly killed off at the end, at least we'll get to spend more time with him in the upcoming prequel heist film Army of Thieves.

But the same luxury won't be afforded to the film's hard-done-by protagonist Scott Ward (Dave Bautista), who became one of the undead horde by film's end and, heartbreakingly, was put out of his misery by his daughter Kate (Ella Purnell).

The big frustration with Zack Snyder's messy, wildly overlong zombie film is the frequently infuriating presence of Kate, whose actions throughout the film effectively end up causing the deaths of several other characters, including her own dad.

Kate's insistence to tag along on the Vegas mission in the hope of recovering her friend Geeta (Huma Qureshi) causes the chain of events which leads to Scott being bitten during their attempted escape, resulting in a highly unsatisfying ending.

Snyder's decision to pull a protagonist switcheroo could've worked were Kate not such an irritating zombie movie cliche. The fact that she lacked even basic self-preservation instincts and caused the deaths of others means Scott's death left an especially sour taste.

Given that Scott was built up as a badass yet tortured man attempting to rebuild his life, it was terribly deflating that he ended up going out like that.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.