10 Recent Movie Endings NOBODY Saw Coming

1. Jackie Becomes A Giant - Love Lies Bleeding

Hit Man Glen Powell 2023

And finally, we have Rose Glass' terrific Love Lies Bleeding, which goes from surreal to utterly reality-bending in its deranged climax. When Lou (Kristen Stewart) is attacked by her criminal father Lou Sr. (Ed Harris), it falls to Lou's steroid-chugging bodybuilder girlfriend Jackie (Katy O'Brian) to save the day.

And boy, that she does, but in a way nobody could've anticipated.

Jackie's rampant steroid use has caused her to inexplicably grow to a literally gigantic size, at which point she grabs Lou Sr. like he's an action figure and pins him down, allowing Lou to get the upper hand on him.

Though Jackie doesn't stay huge indefinitely and is back to regular size by film's end, it's still a completely outrageous left-turn for the story that while fascinatingly executed, is also bonkers enough to prove quite divisive with audiences.

Much of this may depend on how literally you decide to interpret Jackie's transformation, of course.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.