10 Recent Movie Flops EVERYONE Saw Coming

8. Horizon: An American Saga - Chapter 1

Megalopolis Flop
Warner Bros.

Passion projects and box office dynamite can often be a tough nut to crack, as evidenced by Kevin Costner's lavish, ambitious four-part Western project Horizon: An American Saga.

It's clear that Costner and producers were banking on the popularity of his Western series Yellowstone to propel Horizon: Chapter 1 to gangbusters box office with its card-carrying boomer demographic, but as it turned out, they mostly just waited for it to hit streaming.

Even with its slick, made-for-cinema production values and the sheer scarcity of lavish Westerns being produced these days, it wasn't enough to get older audiences out to the cinema, with the $50 million epic scraping just $38.2 million worldwide.

It's an especially sour result for Costner given that he'd already shot the second movie and portions of the third before the first had even released, and by his own admission invested $38 million of his own cash getting the first two films made.

But considering that older audiences have been tricky to lure back to cinemas and Chapter 1 touted a bladder-busting 181-minute runtime, it wasn't exactly surprising that the target demo stayed home and rented it a few weeks later instead. 

As a silver lining, Chapter 1 did at least storm the streaming charts on its first week of release.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.