10 Recent Movie Flops EVERYONE Saw Coming

2. Megalopolis

Megalopolis Flop

For all of the floppy obviousness of the above films, not one of them matches Megalopolis in terms of sheer inevitability.

Francis Ford Coppola's epic sci-fi drama - a passion project he spent almost 50 years developing - proved unwieldy and box office-averse enough that the conventional studio system wouldn't touch it with a bargepole.

And so, Coppola took the nuclear option, selling off a chunk of his ultra-lucrative wine business to fund the $120 million production himself - a move that's been called both financially irresponsible and the most baller thing ever done by an auteur. Both of these things can be true, mind.

All the same, the fact that Coppola had to take out his own checkbook made it painfully clear that Megalopolis was never making its money back, a fact solidified by anyone who'd taken a peek at the script draft circulated online for years.

At least Coppola likely had realistic expectations for the project, which would've needed to gross around $300 million globally to be deemed a financial success. 

All the same, even he probably expected it to gross more than the $10.8 million it's currently sitting at after many weeks on release.

That's a brutal rejection of the film by all but the most ardent cinephiles, though hardly a surprise to anyone who's actually seen it - a chaotic, tonally uneven, at times baffling mess.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.