10 Recent Movie Moments That Made No Sense

2. The Dagger - Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker

Credence Barebone Fantastic Beasts

Star Wars has always loved a good MacGuffin, and in The Rise of Skywalker, the writers didn't stop at just one. Our heroes needed to find Exegol, and to do so they needed the Sith Wayfinder, but in order to find the Wayfinder they needed the Ochi's dagger.

This wasn't the smoothest of rides, either for Rey and co. or for the audience. After having C-3PO translate the text on the dagger only for him to be physically unable to speak it, to believing they had lost the dagger along with Chewie, it was a long journey before they made it to Kef Bir and the ruins of the Death Star.

Rey had to line up the markings of the dagger's edge with that of the fallen planet killer, which would then point to exactly where the Wayfinder was hidden. However, she would have had to be in the EXACT right position, standing at the EXACT right angle, otherwise being off by even the slightest of margins could have led to a very different destitation.

There was nothing on the dagger to suggest where Rey should stand, yet she looked and lined it up from where she just so happened to be standing and managed to find her path perfectly. This simply couldn't have happened so easily.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.