10 Recent Movie Reshoots That Were INSANELY Obvious

9. All The Exposition - The Marvels

Ant-Man and the Wasp Quantumania
Marvel Studios

Though the Marvel Cinematic Universe schedules reshoots for every single one of their movies before anything has even been shot, in the case of The Marvels the additional photography clearly wasn't just to fix minor technical/editorial issues that were only discovered during post-production.

Last year, reports emerged that The Marvels ultimately underwent four weeks of reshoots in order to make its narrative "more coherent," and it's fair to say that the end result has a major aura of "studio notes" all over it.

Though the suspiciously short 105-minute runtime didn't inherently indicate a problem, while watching the movie it's painfully obvious that additional expository dialogue was added during reshoots to further explain both the central body-swapping gimmick and villain Dar-Benn's (Zawe Ashton) plan.

These stiffly written moments stick out like a sore thumb, and Zawe Ashton herself also confirmed that she ended up reshooting "basically the whole movie," likely explaining why Dar-Benn's presence in the film feels so awkward and stilted.

Again, reshoots are baked into how MCU movies are made, but rarely to this extent, and never before have they been so blindingly apparent to even the casual observer.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.