10 Recent Movie Rumours That Were Total Bull

7. Maxine Becomes The Night Stalker - MaXXXine

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An extremely tantalising rumour was doing the rounds in the months leading up to the release of Ti West's trilogy-capping horror MaXXXine, that West was going to pull a Quentin Tarantino and serve up some grisly revisionist history.

Given that the marketing played up the presence of real-life serial killer The Night Stalker, many came to believe that the big twist would see Maxine Minx (Mia Goth) herself become the Night Stalker, all while pinning the killings on the man who committed them in real life, Richard Ramirez.

But the Night Stalker is ultimately something of a red herring throughout the movie, his role proving totally incidental as Maxine finds herself fending off a murderer who happens to be somebody else entirely.

Considering how disappointed many were with Maxxxine's third act in particular, this might've actually been a more interesting direction to go.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.