10 Recent Movie Rumours That Were Total Bull

3. The Post-Credits Scene Teases Handsome Jack - Borderlands

Deadpool and Wolverine Iron Man Thumbnail

Even though it was made abundantly clear before Borderlands' release that the game series' legendary villain Handsome Jack wouldn't be appearing - apparently a decision made before director Eli Roth came aboard - it seemed entirely plausible that Jack might make his first appearance in the film's post-credits scene, no?

This theory was lent credence by Randy Pitchford, CEO of Borderlands developer Gearbox Software, who in 2021 tweeted confirming the possibility of a credits stinger featuring Handsome Jack.

And yet, the movie comes and goes without any substantial hint of what's to come, and not even the faintest hint of Handsome Jack's potential presence in a sequel.

Though that's almost certainly the route Borderlands 2 would've gone, given that it was a colossal box office flop and has basically fallen off the face of the Earth in record time, it's clearly not going to happen - at least not in this failed iteration.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.