10 Recent Movie Scenes That Shocked The World

8. Conrad's Fatal Blunder - The King's Man

Deep Water
20th Century Studios

Leaving an audience rubbing their eyes in disbelief at the death of a featured player is nothing new for Matthew Vaughn's Kingsman series.

Yet, where Harry "Galahad" Hart was lucky enough to eventually live to fight another day in The Golden Circle, it doesn't look like Conrad Oxford will be afforded that same luxury after his chilling conclusion in prequel The King's Man.

Upon triumphantly surviving the perilous No-Man's Land during his mission to retrieve vital information from a wounded British agent, things take an unexpected and deeply disturbing turn as he arrives back in his home trench.

With his fellow troops mistaking him for a German spy on the back of a soldier figuring out that Conrad wasn't actually the "Archie Reid" he claimed to be - with Oxford secretly swapping places with the Scot to evade his father's attempts to keep him from the war - the plucky youngster is swiftly shot straight through the skull in a panic.

Thoroughly matching the unexpected horror of the aforementioned Harry bullet through the head before it (or after it, in the overall timeline), Vaughn managed to recapture twisty lightning in a bottle with this savage end.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...