10 Recent Movie Scenes That Shocked The World

5. Brenden Butchers - Fresh

Deep Water
Searchlight Pictures

If 2022 will go down as a year simply over-flowing with stunning twists and unexpected turn-of-events, then Sebastian Stan and Daisy Edgar-Jones-starring Fresh likely sits atop the class in terms of shock value alone.

Kicking things off with an almighty bang, not long after deciding to go for a romantic trip away together, Steve and Noah's relationship takes a rather unanticipated turn as the former is revealed to actually be a human meat harvester who was actually eyeing the latter up for his clients.

And it's not long after Noah is shockingly drugged and held captive that those watching on are exposed to the freakish sight of the cannibal, actually known as Brenden, preparing a human leg for eventual dinner. The grisly sight of a person's limb being handled and butchered is one thing, but Brenden's casual dancing and joyful kitchen antics only succeed in taking the perversity of the entire situation up a few notches.

All in all, you'll likely find yourself not knowing where to look for much of Fresh's runtime as you squirm at its many instances of cannibal snacking. And that's without even mentioning a certain character being suddenly castrated on the fly at one point, either...


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...