10 Recent Movies NOBODY Expected To Be Good

1. Peter Pan & Wendy

No Hard Feelings Jennifer Lawrence

Was anyone really asking for yet another live-action Peter Pan movie? In the last 20 years alone, we've had four major Peter Pan adaptations/reimaginings/spin-offs, none of which succeeded both critically and commercially, so why go there again?

Furthermore, with Disney sending Peter Pan and Wendy direct to Disney+, it seemed to indicate the Mouse House didn't have too much faith in it either, much like the terrible recent Tom Hanks-starring Pinocchio adaptation.

Yet under the singular guidance of filmmaker David Lowery (The Green Knight), this turned out to be a surprisingly soulful and evocative retelling which dared to make some intriguing and refreshing - if controversial - changes to the source material.

If so many of Disney's live-action remakes have looked like plastic sludge, it's such a damn relief to watch one that actually looks like an artist deliberated over every aspect of its visual conception, not to ignore Jude Law's wonderfully over-the-top performance as Captain Hook.

While certainly not the best of all the Disney remakes, it is one of the few which feels like it actually exists due to artistic inspiration rather than mere corporate obligation.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.