10 Recent Movies NOBODY Expected To Be Good

6. BlackBerry

No Hard Feelings Jennifer Lawrence
Elevation Pictures

Look, we all love Glenn Howerton and Jay Baruchel, but when it was announced that the pair were starring in a dramatisation of BlackBerry's rise and fall, and it wasn't a parody of the spate of "corporate biopics" released in recent years, many were understandably bemused.

This was a film nobody asked for and had all the makings of one that ultimately nobody would be interested in, and yet against considerable odds, filmmaker Matt Johnson made the story of the BlackBerry phone a compulsively engaging one.

Johnson has a few aces up his sleeve here - first there's the movie's slippery tone, pinballing between sly comedy and genuine drama, but never quite going overboard in either respect.

Then there's the gorgeous, roving docu-style camerawork, and best of all, a genuinely awards-worthy performance from Howerton as BlackBerry's eccentric early investor Jim Balsillie.

That BlackBerry ended up one of the best-reviewed films of the entire year is something not a single solitary soul could've predicted.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.