10 Recent Movies NOBODY Expected To Be This Good

2. Free Guy

Free Guy Ryan Reynolds
20th Century Studios

Free Guy is another massive blockbuster which had mixed reviews written all over it. The marketing didn't suggest anything more than a watchable, wildly over-the-top action flick that doubled as a brand extension exercise for the various pop-culture IP featured.

But then the first social media reactions from critics hit the web a few weeks before release, praising it as the most pleasant surprise of the summer and even an unexpectedly moving piece of work.

Though it's always sensible to skeptical about the typically-generous early reactions to any major movie, this enthusiasm carried through to general reviews, with the film currently sitting at a mighty 82%.

For a movie which seemed destined to alienate older critics and also those unfamiliar with video games, it's an incredibly impressive score.

That Free Guy turned out to be a breezily entertaining action-comedy for gamers and non-gamers alike while making the most of its A-list cast is quite the triumph indeed.

Despite the state of the global box office being what it is, Ryan Reynolds confirmed shortly after release that Disney is interested in pursuing a sequel. Considering how unexpectedly charming and fun Free Guy was, bring it on.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.