10 Recent Movies NOBODY Saw Coming

6. Hundreds of Beavers

Better Man

Just when you thought slapstick comedy was dead at the box office, along came the deliriously, deliciously old-school Hundreds of Beavers to prove otherwise. Produced for just $150,000, this black-and-white film about a man who goes to war with a seemingly never-ending fleet of aggressive beavers is absolutely wild.

Combining seat-of-the-pants live-action filmmaking - where the beavers are all portrayed by actors in costumes - with cartoonish visual effects, the end result is a lovingly handmade piece of work, the sort which most would expect to go direct to YouTube or, if lucky, a paid streaming service.

But Hundreds of Beavers picked up enough acclaim on the festival circuit that the filmmakers were actually able to successfully self-distribute it theatrically, where it went on to gross $783,000 worldwide - a major return on its initial budget.

This is a film that truly feels like an anomaly, like it fell out of another era altogether, and with so much of modern cinema being defined by soulless IP-mining slop, that's nothing but the highest compliment.

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Better Man
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.