10 Recent Movies Nobody Saw Coming
4. Paint
When the first image for Paint was released, seemingly featuring Owen Wilson dressed up as legendary painter Bob Ross, it appeared self-evident that Wilson was playing Ross in a dramatic biopic, right? What dissent could there possibly be about this?
Except, anyone who made any further inquiries soon enough discovered that this wasn't quite the case. Rather, Wilson was playing a fictional painter based not-so-loosely on Ross called Carl Nargle. Yup.
At which point, the Internet collectively squinted trying to figure out who the movie was for - a question that only became more mystifying once Paint was actually released.
Is it a terrible movie? No, but considering the market for a movie where Owen Wilson plays not-quite-Bob Ross is even smaller than the market for a movie where he actually plays Bob Ross, the whole thing ends up feeling like an elaborate SNL joke stretched to exasperating feature length.
While nobody saw Paint coming, few apparently saw it going either, given that it grossed a brutal $811,739 theatrically and was speedily forgotten outright once it hit streaming.