10 Recent Movies Ruined By Their Third Act

9. Argylle

Longlegs Bad Ending
Apple TV+

Now, the first two-thirds of Matthew Vaughn's Argylle weren't great by any means, but given how heavily the movie's marketing hinged on the mystery of the real Agent Argylle's identity, that third act reveal was always going to make or break the entire film.

And hoo boy, did it break it alright.

To the eternal disappointment of everyone hoping Argylle would turn out to be protagonist Elly's (Bryce Dallas Howard) cat, the clunky big reveal is that Argylle is in fact Elly herself.

Elly is actually an agent called Rachel Kylle - as in R. Kylle = Argylle, get it? - who was captured by the shady organisation known as the Division and brainwashed. "Elly" then put the repressed memories from her prior life as a secret agent into her Argylle novels.

It's an eye-roller of a twist, and though Howard certainly tries her damnedest to sell it, interest quickly peters out. 

The rest of the film is an assemblage of overlong set-pieces, additional reveals, and a closing link to the Kingsman universe that's ultimately more confusing than intriguing.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.