10 Recent Movies Ruined By Their Third Act

4. Lisa Frankenstein

Longlegs Bad Ending

Zelda Williams' flawed-but-fun horror-comedy Lisa Frankenstein is a blatant example of a movie that just had no idea how to land the plane in act three.

The film follows a teenage goth girl, Lisa (Kathryn Newton), who finds herself falling in love with a recently reanimated Victorian-era man (Cole Sprouse). 

And though there's plenty of amusement to be had, Diablo Cody's script totally loses its way in the final stretch.

With Lisa and The Creature having caused numerous deaths throughout their whirlwind relationship, Lisa finally decides there's only one way to escape, and asks the Creature to electrocute her to death in her tanning bed, which he does.

Lisa dies, but the final scene shows the Creature reading poetry to a newly resurrected Lisa, seemingly allowing the pair to live on as undead lovers.

This all happens in the final 10 minutes of the movie and feels hugely rushed, as though scenes clarifying Lisa's intentions were left on the cutting room due to studio notes. 

The ideas aren't awful, but the rough manner in which they're presented here ends the film on a massively clunky note.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.