10 Recent Movies Ruined By Their Third Act

2. Abigail

Longlegs Bad Ending

Horror-comedy Abigail was a solidly entertaining time for the most part, even if there was a clear disconnect between the filmmakers' intent to conceal its vampiric twist and the marketing's decision to just... spoil it upfront.

All the same, there's a lot of grisly fun to be had courtesy of the gory action and game ensemble cast, but when it comes time to wrap things up, it's clear the screenwriters really had no idea how to end their story.

It all starts to fall apart once vampire Abigail (Alisha Weir) escapes confinement and the audience is bombarded with a bevy of scarcely thought-out plot twists and loosey-goosey action.

Criminal mastermind Lambert (Giancarlo Esposito) is revealed to be a secret vampire, and Frank (Dan Stevens) randomly allows him to turn him into a vampire also, only for Frank to suddenly turn on Lambert and kill him.

Abigail and protagonist Joey (Melissa Barrera) are then forced to team up and take Frank out, after which the film ends with a hilariously tacked-on cameo from Dracula (Matthew Goode) himself.

The final half-hour of the movie is just a chaotic assemblage of Things Happening, even though the internal logic is shaky at best and it feels like it should've ended at least twice before it actually does.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.