10 Recent Movies That Tried Way Too Hard To Be Clever

6. Hot Air

Transcendence Johnny Depp
Freestyle Releasing

Let's caveat this entry by saying that Steve Coogan is a profoundly intelligent man who has had a hand in the creation of some of the best satire of the last thirty years. I'd imagine he has a great nose for what insightful writing looks like.

Which is why it's a surprise that Steve looked at the script for Hot Air and didn't discard it.

Playing the role of a right-wing shock jock in the Donald Trump era is a prime ingredient for parody, and maybe insightful arguments for the Republican demographic while they're at it. But as Lionel Macomb; the voice that tells it like it is, the arguments made instead further boost the snarky disregard anyone post-millennial generation has for boomers.

Hot Air had the opportunity to poke fun at all sides of the political spectrum and provide a middle-ground level-headed opinion; kind of like how South Park has become now.

But the "you're all snowflakes" mentality of the Republican middle-aged man was presented too much like the correct opinion, and even with Taylor Russell playing the Democratic voice of reason, her statements for the Left felt like copy-pasted buzzwords rather than legitimate counterarguments to the dismissive Right.


I overthink a lot of things. Will talk about pretty much anything for a great length of time. I'm obsessed with General Slocum from the 2002 Spider-Man film. I have questions that were never answered in that entire trilogy!