10 Recent Movies That Tried Way Too Hard To Be Clever

3. Glass

Transcendence Johnny Depp

When M. Night Shyamalan's Unbreakable debuted it was a catalyst for what realistic, superhero origin stories could be in a film. It was ahead of it's time and was already starting conversations Deadpool and The Dark Knight would have later in the future.

Fast-forward almost twenty years; the secret sequel of Splice had premiered and the third arc of M. Night's highly-anticipated trilogy was about to be complete. If we were to put aside the poor narrative choices made in the film, M. Night's naive persistence to write an anti-superhero film doubled down on outdated hot takes.

Maybe because between Unbreakable and Glass, we as movie watchers had seen dozens of superhero films that had already broken the mould and dissected the genre, but M. Night's arrival to the party wasn't just late, it contained nonsensical commentary on the genre.

Where Deadpool hilariously points out the current state of superhero films, Glass tried to take a more serious approach by giving us anti-climactic battles and ultra-meta reviews on superhero mythos.

The conversation about the superhero bubble bursting is one that should be had right now by Hollywood, and M. Night thought he would be the right man to address it.

Unfortunately he was wrong.


I overthink a lot of things. Will talk about pretty much anything for a great length of time. I'm obsessed with General Slocum from the 2002 Spider-Man film. I have questions that were never answered in that entire trilogy!