10 Recent Movies That Wasted AMAZING Concepts

9. A Bear Goes On A Coke-Fuelled Rampage - Cocaine Bear

The Marvels

The moment that a film about a cocaine-huffing bear going on a drug-induced rampage in the American wilderness was announced - and one very loosely based on true events, no less - it was tough not to be intrigued.

The marketing for the shrewdly-titled Cocaine Bear promised an absolutely insane, R-rated romp where a hard-partying bear rips any human it comes across limb from limb, and really, that's all it needed to be.

And yet, there's a baffling tameness to Elizabeth Banks' film which rather undercuts its scuzzy, edgy potential.

Beyond focusing far too much on the uninteresting human characters - especially a pair of children we know aren't ever coming to real harm - the script seems almost unafraid to indulge in the grisly schlock most people allured by the title "Cocaine Bear" were surely looking for.

It feels like a studio exec heard the original pitch and then immediately planed the edges away, resulting in a sanitised, not-gnarly-enough end product that's bloated out with tedious human subplots and doesn't feature nearly enough bear-based carnage.

Cocaine Bear should've been an extremely nasty and mean-spirited horror-comedy about what happens when large animals accidentally ingest copious amounts of the nose powder.

Instead, it ended up feeling like a movie that couldn't stop pointing out how "crazzzzzzy" and meme-worthy it is.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.