10 Recent Movies That Wasted AMAZING Concepts

7. Vampires As Toxic Bosses - Renfield

The Marvels

Renfield certainly isn't an awful movie, but dammit, it had the potential to be so, so much better than it turned out.

The setup, honestly, is quite ingenious, taking the relationship between Count Dracula (Nicolas Cage) and his servant Renfield (Nicholas Hoult) and reimagining it through the contemporary lens of a toxic employer-employee dynamic.

And most of the material between Dracula and Renfield is actually pretty good - it's just a shame that half the movie is stolen away by a hugely disinteresting cops 'n' crooks subplot involving a cop and mobster played by Awkwafina and Ben Schwartz respectively.

As a result, the focus is constantly shifted away from the two focal characters, ensuring that a never-more-game Cage - which is really saying something - doesn't get nearly enough time to shine as Dracula.

It feels like a studio executive had a Renfield script and a buddy cop comedy script and decided to smash them together because... reasons, the result of which is this bizarre amalgam that does justice to neither concept fully.

Again, not a disaster by any means, and Cage and Hoult's performances can't help but entertain, but was their dynamic really not enough to sustain the movie without the forgettable crime comedy shtick?


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.