10 Recent Movies That Were Absolute HELL To Make

8. Sasquatch Sunset

Furiosa Movies Hell To make
Bleecker Street

In case you're unaware, Sasquatch Sunset is a new absurdist drama starring Riley Keough, Jesse Eisenberg, Christophe Zajac-Denek, and Nathan Zellner as a quartet of Sasquatches which live together in the wilderness of Northern California.

For the film, the four actors spent two hours every morning getting into makeup and costume, and then had to spend the entire shooting day sweating themselves silly in the California sun.

Jesse Eisenberg has spoken extensively about the hardships of the process, calling the facial prosthetics "claustrophobic, itchy, sweaty," before noting that the Sasquatch suits had to be extremely tight in order to convincingly sell the illusion.

In addition to this, the cast went through a comprehensive "Sasquatch School" acting workshop with a movement and mime coach, who taught them how to act and vocalise as a Sasquatch.

It all added up to an incredibly not-fun time, and yet, the overall result seems quite worth it, given how convincingly the four actors pass as actual Sasquatches.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.