10 Remakes Of 1980s Movies Coming In 2020 (And Beyond)

8. Escape From New York

Escape From New York
AVCO Embassy Pictures

While The Rock's alleged "remake" of Big Trouble In Little China isn't actually a remake (because that would be sacrilege), another seminal John Carpenter movie IS coming back to life in a new form. No matter how much you complain about the idea, Escape From New York is being remade.

After long-gestating rumours and very little progress, February 2019 saw the announcement that hotly-rated director Leigh Whannell had been hired to write and direct the remake. Robert Rodriguez had been attached for a long while, but he dropped out and it now falls to Whannell to bring his remake with new elements to the screen.

And if you're worried it won't do justice to the original and will end up being another soulless cash-in, don't fret because Whannell openly says he actively wants to say will retain elements of the original but bring new ideas to the table. One of Whannell's goals is to avoid the bloated tentpole remake path that afflicted the reboots of other 1980s-era movies such as Robocop and Total Recall.


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