10 Remakes Of 1980s Movies Coming In 2020 (And Beyond)

5. Flight Of The Navigator

Flight Of The Navigator
Buena Vista Pictures

A remake of delightful childhood kidnapping sci-fi fantasy Flight Of The Navigator has been in the works since way back in 2009 when Disney were said to have hired Arrested Development writer Brad Copeland to pen the project.

Since then, Colin Trevorrow has been attached and unattached and as of 2017, a new reboot has been in the works from Lionsgate and The Jim Henson Company. That at least suggests that they won't be seeking to replace the puppetry of the original with needless CGI.

The original was a crazy little gem (and has an iconic Paul Reubens vocal performance in there as alien AI Max) and hopefully the remake would be able to channel some of that infectious spirit.


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