10 Resurrected Movie Characters (Who Totally Should Have Stayed Dead)

5. Letty - Fast & Furious 6

LettyThe Death: In easily the worst Fast and Furious sequel - imaginatively titled Fast & Furious - Letty (Michelle Rodriguez) is murdered by Fenix Calderon (Laz Alonzo) in a brutal car accident. The Resurrection: The post-credits scene of Fast Five intimates that Letty is still alive, and this is confirmed in Fast & Furious 6, where we discover that the explosion that presumably killed Letty in fact blew her away from the car wreck as she tried to escape out the other side. She then suffered from amnesia, causing villain Owen Shaw (Luke Evans) to make the only sensible decision, of course, to recruit her into his gang. Why She Should Have Stayed Dead: Aside from the fact that amnesia is a really dumb, lazy plot development usually recycled in lame day-time soap operas, it's just wildly convoluted that everyone so easily believed that Letty was dead. Thankfully, F&F6 is strong enough that it can overcome all of this silliness, but this was somehow the most absurd moment in already totally bonkers movie.

Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.