It's a sad fact of life that occasionally, you're not going to get on with certain people. Somehow, some individuals will find a way to get on our wick maybe it's that negligent flatmate who forgets to do the vacuuming, maybe it's that frenemy who only ever has a bad word for you, or maybe one of your mules used the last of the good cocaine. Either way up, disagreements happen, and it's how we respond to them that shapes our character. Some people choose to reconcile, others choose to compromise, and for a certain happy few, they choose to make things a whole lot worse. The above applies just as much in film as it does in real life, if not more so. Like most creative types, film-makers can tend to preach and identify targets at which to throw their invective. Oftentimes, it's because these people feel wronged in some way, they've had their ego deflated or occasionally, it can be just for the sheer hell of it. Yet whatever the reason, these choices tend to echo throughout the ages precisely because of the medium. Make no mistake, while bruises can heal and we can recover from hurt feelings, when somebody with a grudge gets in front of a camera, all sorts of silliness can occur. This list is dedicated to those magnificent bastards the kinds who felt they had to make a point. Be warned, I'm throwing in the mild
SPOILER WARNING now. By the way, I'm not going to talk about Lady In The Water. It's far too easy, and you're better than that.