The old saying goes that it is the clothes that make the man, but sometimes in movies the weaponry is just as important. How effective would Captain America be without his shield? Would Thor be quite as intimidating without Mjolnir? What about Danny Trejo's Machete without his... you get the picture. Its a shame that today's movie marketplace is over-saturated with comic book adaptations, robots in disguise, superpowers, fancy costumes and mutations, as there are few things cooler than a bad-ass character wielding a weapon to great effect. This article will look at 20 of the most awesome weapons in movie history. It is a list that covers firearms both gargantuan and miniscule, items of clothing, bodily appendages and even a vegetable. These weapons have been used as running gags, caused chaos in crowded cities, destroyed jungles and saved as many lives as they have claimed. Covering multiple genres and just as many decades of cinema history, the common thread is that all of these weapons are awesome. Do you agree with the choices in the article? Are there any other awesome movie weapons you would have included? As always sound off in the comments below.
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