10 Ridiculously Long Periods Between Horror Movie Character Appearances

5. Felissa Rose As Angela Baker - Sleepaway Camp (25 Years)

Psycho Norman Bates
United Film Distribution Company & Magnolia

Love it or hate it, Sleepaway Camp is one of the most unforgettable slasher films of the 1980s, positioning itself as a seemingly generic Friday the 13th knockoff only to deliver a jaw-dropping gut punch of an ending, where it's revealed that the killer was sweet, unassuming Angela (Felissa Rose) all along.

More to the point, it turns out that Angela isn't really Angela - the real Angela died in an accident years prior, and her deranged aunt Martha (Desiree Gould) raised her brother Peter as a girl in Angela's place.

And so, during the big reveal we catch a glimpse of "Angela" holding a knife in the nude, revealing their male genitalia as the film abruptly ends.

Four sequels have since been made, the last releasing in 2012, though only the fourth film, 2008's Return to Sleepaway Camp, managed to coax Rose back to play Angela once again.

After Pamela Springsteen took over the role of Angela in the second and third films, it was certainly neat to see Rose back in her signature role 25 years later.

In an amusing homage to the original twist, Angela disguises herself under prosthetic makeup to impersonate a local sheriff, before removing the makeup at film's end and cackling maniacally.

It's not a good movie by any means, but at least delivers a welcome dollop of fan service for those few who've stuck with the series for so long.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.