10 Ridiculously Long Periods Between Horror Movie Character Appearances

3. John Dugan As Grandpa - Texas Chainsaw Massacre (39 Years)

Psycho Norman Bates
Bryanston Distributing Company & Lionsgate

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre was released in 1974 and immediately became one of the most infamous and unforgettable horror movies of all time - a scuzzy, terrifying experience that made anyone who watched it want to shower immediately afterwards.

Though everyone was of course talking about primary antagonist Leatherface (Gunnar Hansen), the entire Sawyer family are a skin-crawling lot, especially Grandpa Sawyer (John Dugan), the ancient, impossibly crusty patriarch of the family who gets wheeled out in front of Sally (Marilyn Burns) near the end of the movie.

With the aid of heavy makeup, John Dugan makes Grandpa Sawyer a real unsettling presence in the film despite his minimal screen time, and though the character reappeared in the belated 1986 sequel, he was played this time by Ken Evert.

Shockingly, though, Dugan ended up reprising the role almost a full four decades after first going under the makeup, briefly playing Grandpa in 2013's Texas Chainsaw 3D, which was a direct sequel to the 1974 movie.

Amusingly, Dugan was just 20 years of age when he played the part originally, though by the time he reprised the role, he was looking a little more like a grandpa himself.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.